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29 January 2010

SNSD occupies #1 to #6 rankings on Monkey3 chart after reveal of 2nd full length album

So Nyeo Shi Dae occupies the #1 to #6 position on Monkey3 chart!

The group released their 2nd full length album on 28th January and all top rankings on the chart from #1 to #6 are occupied by them.

‘Oh!’ is up #1, ‘Star Star Star’ at #2, ‘Be Happy’ at #3, ‘Show Show Show’ at #4, ‘Stick Wit U’ at #5 and ‘Day By Day’ at #6. And for the song ‘Oh!’, the cowboy dance and hakdari dance are expected to set new dance trends.

The song has already been #1 on daily chart for 3 days consecutive since its release on 25th January, and the MV is also getting very high viewer-rates online.

An official for album sales on Monkey3 said, “It is rare to see that a singer occupy all rankings on the chart from #1 to #6. So Nyeo Shi Dae is set to show off their power once again.”


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