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29 January 2010

2PM fan union to hold large-scale demonstration for JaeBum coming 31st January

2PM fan union will be holding a large scale demonstration coming 31st January in Seoul JongRo regarding JaeBum withdrawing from 2PM.

The fan union wrote on their fan cafe on 28th January, “On 31st January from 1pm, we will be doing a nationalwide demonstration for JaeBum. For Seoul, the venue is in front of JongRo 2 BoShinGak. I know that (reporters) may be busy, but please do do reports on it. Thank you. -HOTTEST-”

Recently, there has been speculations about JaeBum’s permanent withdrawal from 2PM amongst the fans, and the fan cafe has also clearly expressed their stand that they are against it. And some fans also drew associations from WonderGirls SunMi’s case and are worried about JaeBum’s status in the group.

Even though JYP had gone on national broadcast earlier and stated that “JaeBum will comeback”, there has been much worry and uneasiness from fans.

Also, even after 2PM has ended their 6-member activities, they have not been any confirmed plans about JaeBum, and fans are feeling uneasy about it.

Recently there has also been rumours, which was later said to be false by JYP representatives, that the company will come out to talk about future plans for JaeBum.


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