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29 January 2010

Suju Yesung’s entertainment greed, Donghae revealed “Us members are very tired!”

Super Junior member Donghae has revealed that the other members felt very tired of Yesung’s greed for entertainment.

Super Junior Yesung has got the #1 in the vote “The #1 idol who has a good sense of entertainment” in the show KBS2TV “Star Golden bell”.

Yesung said “If I couldnt get no.1 I would have come back home with a sense of loss” in which Donghae said “The moment he felt that sense of loss, us members will be tired” and “Because Yesung hyung has a poor result in entertainment shows so whenever he attends a show, he practices a lot at our dorm” .

Donghae also said Yesung usually practices his individual talents a lot and if the member was jokingly holding a gun he (Yesung) would like “shoot me!”, if the member was practicing fencing he would like “stab me!” and pretended to fall down which made everybody laughing.

The show will be aired at 5.15PM on Januray 30th.

original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

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