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09 March 2009

[News] Steady Magazine April Issue - YooMin Interview

After the photo shoots, we have this interview of Changmin and Yoochun.
Now that they’re already well-known, it’s a talk about their future goal

- “The Secret Code”… that’s really a meaningful title.

YC: In our previous album, there were many songs recorded to appeal you, but this album is more like “Listen to it for knowing more about Tohoshinki’s feel.”

- Yes… So that means the songs are more to your own taste, bringing you closer to your goal?

CM: That’s right. So far, it’s a little fresher in a various means (laughs)

- The album’s opening has the same feeling like a show opening.

YC: Yes! Tohoshinki never be in such mysterious image, mature feeling… I think it’s the charm of this album.

CM: But personally, since I caught a cold during the recording, it’s really a pity…

YC: Nevertheless, this album shows that Changmin’s mind has been growing mature..

- Cool support! Which song do you think can show your growth?

YC: My self composed song “Kiss The Baby Sky” (laughs).. and then “FORCE” also brings out a new feeling.

CM: “Stand Up” does. I think a live performance of this will be great. Men usually feel embarrassed to admit they like male band, but I hope this album can makes them crossing over that fence.

- I thought so too. But then… what about your recent life in Japan?

YC: I’m having fun. I watch Detective Conan and Naruto every night. And I’ll sneak out to eat ramen in the middle of the night (laughs).

- Do the 5 of you live together?

CM: Although we have 3 rooms, but recently, each person’s personal area has appeared……

YC: Although I share a room with Jaejoong, but in recent years I’ve created my own little world in the living room

CM: I share with Yunho, yet I’m currently wandering around every part of the house (laughs)

- The way you say about it sounds really interesting.

CM: Childish, but manly (laughs). Although I’ve become an adult in songs, yet I’m still a kid at home ♪ (laughs)

source: tami@beyond yuchun

Shared by: dbsk dream

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