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14 February 2009

[INFO] Highlights of the 18th High1 Seoul Music Awards


The 18th HighOne Seoul Music Awards took place on 12th February in GangWonDo GoWon Stadium.

The big winner to the night was WonderGirls - they won both the DaeSang along with 3 other BonSang awards.

While some rejoiced that group Dong Bang Shin Ki bagged 2 awards home together, some fans had protested against the integrity of the music award…




DaeSang winners - WonderGirls. This is their first time winning a DaeSang awards in just the 2 years into their debut.



  1. Big Bang
  2. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  3. WonderGirls
  4. Son DamBi
  5. Brown Eyed Girls
  6. SS501
  7. Jang Yoon Jung
  8. Kim Jong Kook
  9. SG Wannabe
  10. Baek Ji Young

Dong Bang Shin Ki won the BonSang award and mobile popularity award even though they did not attend the award ceremony.

They are currently busy with their promotion in Japan. There were some fans who protested against Seoul Music Awards for being unfair for Dong Bang Shin Ki’s non-participation. One netizen said, “Seoul Music Award’s fairnesss! Request for abolition!”

Other netizens have also said, “They should understand that Dong Bang Shin Ki is promoting in Japan. It becomes a problem if they don’t give the award for no-show.”

Group Big Bang is another big winner for tonight - they also won 4 awards: BonSang, mobile popularity award, High1 award and best album award.

credits : minsarang + dbskdream

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