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03 January 2009

[ADMIN POST] Attention all Malaysia Cassiopeia!!

Attention all Malaysia Cassiopeia,

sorry, our announcement have some change..Please take note..

Attention all Malaysia Cassiopeia,
First of all, as we all knew that our beloved TVXQ will kick off their 3rd “Mirotic” concert tour on February 2009 and unfortunately Malaysia was not included in the tour…. We knew that lots of Malaysia Cassiopeia is expecting their concert in Malaysia and what we can do now are, we want the boys to knew that Malaysia Cassiopeia are desperate to see them… So, in order to let them know, we will kick off this petition…. What you need to do are as below :
1. Get 1 TVXQ picture. Print it out or develop into a 4R size (all printed or develop picture must be in 4R size. No other size are allow.) PLEASE TAKE NOTE HERE:
We need 4 copies of the pictures now with your messages and name behind the pictures. These 4 copies will be use for the propose (Please note that all 4 copies must be the same contents as what you wrote on each pictures) :

i. One copy for the TVXQ boys.
ii. One copy for sponsor.
iii. One copy for Korea recording company.
iv. One copy for Malaysia recording company.

* Not to worry all, we will try our best as one of the incharge person has been contacted with one of the event company in Malaysia and we will try our best to bring the boys over to Malaysia.

2. Write your message and name behind the picture. (Please bare in mind that the message MUST be about the Malaysia concert. Keep it short and meaningful your message.) All messages should be written in either : Korean, English and Japanese ONLY.

3. Please LAMINATE the picture before sending to us.

4. Please Email or MSN us at : tvxqmalaysiaconcert@yahoo.com in order to get our mailing address to send the picture to us by post.

5. Please include RM1.00 to us for processing fees for combine all the pictures that we collected to compile into a booklet.

6. After we compile all Malaysia Cassiopeia petition, we will pass this book to TVXQ during SM Town Concert in Thailand… We have a friend who able to meet them and pass this booklet by hand.

7. Although we can’t promise 100% it will be successful but at least we tried our effort to let TVXQ knows we really want them to come Malaysia for concert.

* So, to make this a very successful, we need lots of Malaysia Cassiopeia supports. Please take your action now.

** Dateline to post over the picture to us is before : 12th January 2009…. We know it’s a bit rush but we have to collect all your message card and compile into a book and pass over to our friend to help us to pass to TVXQ by hand. All late entries will NOT be entertain….


首 先,大家已经知道东方神起将会在今年2月爆发他们的3rd “Mirotic” concert tour。很不幸的大马并不在巡回演唱会名单内。。我们知道大马仙后们都非常希望他们会再次来马开唱,而我们可以做的就是让他们知道大马仙后是多么的想见 他们。。所以,为了让他们知道我们的心声,我们办了这项活动。。

1. 自行准备1张东方神起的图片。印刷或冲洗成4Rsize(必须要跟从这个尺码,我们不会接受其他的尺码。)请注意:

我们需要4张同样的照片和你们的留言与签名。(4张图片或照片的签名与留言内容必须一样)这4 张图片或照片的用途是:

ii.1 张是送给主办单位或赞助商
iii.1 张是送给韩国唱片公司
iv.1 张是送给马来西亚唱片公司

* 请大家无需担心,我们会尽我们所能完成这项活动。其中1位负责人已经联络上大马的其中1间event company。我们会尽力把东方神起带来大马与大家见面。

2. 在图片或照片后面写下您的留言与签名。(留言必须符合这次的演唱会,简略你们的句子。留言可使用英语,韩语和日语。)

3. 之后在寄给我们之前请LAMINATE你们的图片或照片。

4. 请发邮件或msn我们:在tvxqmalaysiaconcert@yahoo.com ,这时我们会给你们发该把图片或照片寄去的地址。

5. 在邮寄给我们时请附上1张1零吉当筹备的费用。因为我们会把寄来的图片或照片集中起来制成一本小册子。

6. 在完成这本小册子之后,我们会把它送去泰国SM Town Concert。因为我们有一位可以将这本小册子交到东方神起手上的朋友。

7. 虽然我们不保证可以100%成功让东方神起来马开唱,但至少我们可以让他们知道我们是多么的想要他们来马开唱。

*最后,为了可以让这次的行动成功,我们需要许多大马仙后的支持。请立即采 取行动吧!


CREDITS : dbsknights + DBSK Dream

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